2023 Brings New Roles

The cat is out of the bag, it was announced this week, I am officially serving on the Board of the River City Farmers market. This year I will be serving our “little” farmers market as President!

Stepping into a role of leadership and responsibility was not taken on without consulting my calendar. The thing is, this little farm will be growing larger flocks and adding products this year. With more birds to care for, 2 part-time day jobs, and homesteading WHY in the world would I take on more!? Truth is because I have grown quite fond of the Market. The people, the atmosphere, the products, and the community support AND I had a lot of ideas.

Me and my ideas aren’t really new, I am forever a dreamer, planner and implementer. No mountain is to high and no problem is unsolvable. I have a reputation, mention Pintrest or “I have an idea” to Gary and watch him brace himself for the additions to his to do list. He enjoys it even more when I take things into my own hands (not really), there may have been a previous incident with removing drop ceilings while he was at work or cutting electric lines to the barn while adding a trellis to the flower beds. I probably could go on, but you get the idea!

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” – Thomas A. Edison.

The thing is, I couldn’t pass off ideas, or make suggestions to some of the hardest working board members and not get my hands dirty. These board members work tirelessly to create opportunities for both vendors and customers. They receive little thanks and no pay. There is a quote, “without volunteers we would be a nation without soul” I believe that, and without the group of individuals that steer when the winds get rough, our market wouldn’t have soul either.

 So as I do my small part to contribute to an amazing team of volunteers aiming to build a community of local producers, and empowered consumers know this;

  • I am always open to suggestions

  • Gary’s to do list will inevitably get longer

  •   While 2023 may have its bumps, it is going to be a great ride

So here is to working with new teams, new dreams, and a successful 2023!


New Year, New Problem


Why we Farm