It’s Time to Grow!

As we take on another year, another adventure, and more challenges in farming, parenting, and farmers’ marketing (ok, not a word but it is today) I have decided to add another layer to my farm outreach by blogging. It is something else to add to my to-do list but in reality, it is a way to tell the story of this little farm, our journey to this moment in time and our trip to continue our growth and production.

Now the thing is, it has been a long journey. An over the hill and through-the-woods kind of journey. One starting with me sporting sandwich bags on my hands so I didn’t actually touch the meat and going on a hunger strike if I knew the late steak’s name, to current day raising and delivering livestock to the processor without continued apologies during loading. Whom am I kidding, I apologize to them. 

“The farmer has to be an optimist otherwise he wouldn't still be a farmer”

You may be wondering why it is important to know YOUR farmer? Why are these stories valuable? Because understanding why and how is important to your family’s health and lets face it food is more than calories, it is heritage, love, and memories. Even if you can’t grow sweet corn in your backyard or feed out livestock you still NEED and WANT to be part of the journey. I mean, we stand in the store and read labels, marketing ploys, and shop for that brand that never lets us down. So why not understand the local producers that are feeding your families, us!

Now in full disclosure, I am a bit of an introvert so if you read something and bring it up at the market or in passing just overlook the confused look, it takes me a minute to remember that I put stories out in the universe to share with everyone to enjoy!

What do we do? Well, we are diehard homesteaders, we raise our own beef, pork and of course Poultry. Gardening and preserving has kept this old kitchen busy and our family fed during the cold winter months. Our homestead expanded into providing pastured poultry for the community about 4 years ago and we have steadily grown serving more and more of our community since.

My plan with this blog? To tell stories of the farm, my farmhouse kitchen and to include you in the journey. What I am trying to avoid, taking my daughters advice to star in videos- I will leave the video hosting skills to the younger generation.

So, until next time, keep growing!


Why we Farm