Simply Raised, Homegrown Poultry

Today while the elliptical machine reminded me that I am not twenty anymore, I listened to a pod cast discussing the important messages to customers. Who we are and what we stand for. This podcast really got me thinking, or at least distracted me from the exhaustion setting in, that maybe I haven’t told our customers who we are and how we farm.

If you ask me, we are simply chicken. We raise several types of poultry, all of which are simply raised. There isn’t any other term that better suits what we do here. We raise our birds the way our previous homeowners did when building our turn of the century farm. There isn’t any bells and whistles, no modern tag lines or new farming techniques to learn. We take care of our birds, meaning we also MUST take care of our pastures. It is that simple!

Simply Pastured Raised

Our farm focuses on poultry so we are kind of a “professional”, for lack of a better word. We may raise a beef or hog for our use but to raise more than one species for production means our focus would be divided, resulting in lower attention to detail. Even Gary, who has spent a majority of his time on cattle farms, can causally walk by chicken pastures and identify concerns or monitor the weather to prevent potential issues. We have our own daily routines that ensure our birds are healthy, happy and live a life on green grass under blue skies, behaving like chickens and not couch potatoes. All of these practices come with handling a LOT of birds through the years.

While I don’t post often about our farming practices mainly because it is pretty simple, you should know that our experience and knowledge is something we are proud of, something we perfected over time and what makes our little farm something you can be confident in when serving your family, Simply Chicken.


From the Pastures


Heritage Turkey, the Centerpiece of our Farm