Chronicles of a Seasonal Farmer: Planning, Reflection, and the First Egg of Spring!

In the heart of agriculture, where the land meets the hands of skilled cultivators, the practice of seasonal farming unfolds like a well-choreographed dance. Seasonal farming, rooted in the ancient cycles of nature, represents a harmonious partnership between farmers and the ever-changing tapestry of the seasons.

The hardest for me would have to be, rest and reflection of winter. It is an important time of the year, a time to review the previous year, finalize the business stats, and then file them away like a distant memory. Last year’s reflections are a vital part of next years success, and I not only get to nerd out on my numbers but I get to help others understand their 2023 accomplishments, and failures in my day job as we embark on the annual analysis with the farming community.  

We tend to think of winter as a time of rest, the fields are quiet, taking a well-deserved rest from chicken paws, and turkey flocks and the farm dogs lazily lay around waiting for the warmth of spring but it is a lot of dreaming, strategizing and planning for next and future years. For me, calendars are color-coded, spreadsheets calculate hatchery shipments and processing dates, and I binge watch videos about how to accomplish my latest goals. It can be a lot of office work but it's worth it when the feathers fly and the busy season begins, a road map to this years goal keeps you grounded and on track

Even during the gray skies, and never-ending number crunching there are signs of springs promise and anticipation of green that will paint the landscape. Today was my first one on the farm, the first turkey egg of 2024! You may be thinking that I am being a little dramatic considering I have hatched hundreds of turkeys but it never gets old! Even though I am not quite ready to fire up the incubator I am ready for spring, the beauty of the flowers, the chirps of chicks and the next chapter of our farm journey!  

Even as we wait for spring, we have become a winter vendor at the market, so we will see you tomorrow morning padded with long johns, hats and insulated socks enduring the chill of winter and serving our amazing customers!


A Tale of Strawberry Jam & Family Traditions


Welcome to Pecks Farm!