Thanksgiving Turkeys with Peck’s Farm

The holidays are right around the corner! Somehow, with the ups and many downs of 2023 we have to face the expectations of the holidays and that always starts with Thanksgiving and the perfect centerpiece, the Turkey!

My mind always turns to the movie, National Lampoons Christmas vacation and the turkey carving scene because lets face it, a dry turkey has happened to everyone that braved the responsibility of roasting a bird. Even if you have watched the videos, relied on Martha or called the Turkey helpline that Butterball proudly oversees there always seems to be guests happily eating subpar turkey to prevent from hurting your feelings.

Our family kitchen has seen it all, the oven bags, the bucket of brine that took up half the fridge, airfryers, and the ultimate decision of to stuff or not to stuff. For many years we didn’t even serve turkey! Yes, a family that raised poultry (at the time we did not raise turkeys) would serve Ham for Thanksgiving and Christmas. We spent so much time messing up the easy recipe, the simple recipe and the anyone can do it recipes that we avoided turkey and ate Ham for the holidays.

For us we faced some life changes that created an opportunity on the farm and we decided to add Turkeys to our fields. What we didn’t know was, that decision would change our Thanksgiving menu forever.

We specialize in heritage turkeys, breeding, hatching and raising birds of the past. These birds take A LOT longer to grow out but offer an amazing flavor and texture. Think of it this way, these are the birds your great grandparents served their families, grown slow and naturally on farms and homesteads throughout the world. Heritage turkeys were the centerpiece of the table before genetics where fine-tuned to create a fast growing bird, one that was cheap to grow with BIG results.  Our heritage birds are raised on our farm, from our incubators and in our pastures, on green grass and under blue skies to preserve the breeds and provide a quality Thanksgiving dinner option for your family.

Now, our heritage birds are a bit smaller than their fast-growing counterparts and after a few years of serving our community we realized that some of you invite A LOT of people to dinner! Therefore, you needed a larger table bird to ensure no one walked away hungry. The only way we could help you serve your huge family dinners was to add the “modern” turkeys to our pastures and that is what we did. These birds live the life of our Heritage birds, grazing pastures of green grass and enjoying the fresh country air. This healthier, more natural living environment provides the birds with all the nutrients to create an amazing protein source and a stunning centerpiece for your family dinner.

So our fields are full of stunning, gobbling turkeys living their best life and our reservation list is open for our 2023 Thanksgiving season. Whether you need a larger Turkey to feed the crew or a traditional Heritage Turkey for your dinner we can provide you with an amazing locally grown centerpiece. If you have questions about which is best for your family’s dinner please reach out to get yours reserved today!



Everyone Belongs in the Kitchen, that’s where the food is!


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