Everyone Belongs in the Kitchen, that’s where the food is!

Everyone belongs in the kitchen, that’s where the food is! At least that is my saying. In reality I wasn’t raised in the kitchen, actually I avoided the kitchen. Growing up we didn’t eat from scratch, we ate from freezer meals and box kits, Hamberger Helper and Banquet frozen dinners was the go-to food. There was a lot of things I never had the opportunity to try as a child that I love today, like Brussel sprouts, asparagus, and Salmon filets. Now I mean the real Salmon filets, because we did have salmon you poured out of a can that smelled like cat food with a side of skin and bones.

I realized early on that food is fuel and I am very sensitive to what I eat. When I eat only high processed food everyone around me suffers from my extreme moodiness. If I don’t eat on time, we have a crisis on our hands. So I decided it was best if I figured out how to cook, it can’t be that hard, right? It was a journey, honestly, I think accounting courses were easier to me than learning to create a creamy sauce or how NOT to over season, well I still have my moments because you can never have enough garlic.

So, I found myself reading, watching others and tossing a lot of food through the years! My biggest amazement was chicken broth, did you know that soup beans or potato soup is AMAZING when cooked in this magical golden liquid! I mean apparently everyone else knew this, but why didn’t I? or you can bake steaks instead of frying them into leather? We think cooking should come natural, because eating is natural but for some of us the learning curve is steep.

It is a journey, not a overnight success.

I still do stupid thinks every once in a while, like crave the food of my childhood, McDonalds sweet and sour sauce. Then I remember I can’t shovel in large amounts of high fructose corn syrup without stomach pain and an epic sugar crash.  

So, why am I telling you about my cooking incompetence?

Because if you are someone who struggles to find their way in the kitchen, you need to know you are NOT alone but you should cook it anyway! If you are a reincarnation of Juila Child remember to pass those tips and tricks on to the rest of us hungry folks. So as a way to help a sista (or Bro) out we created our first CSA Subscription during the most stressful time of the year! Our holiday CSA is going to be SO MUCH FUN and hopefully reduce stress for those still in the learning curve, trying to impress that Mother-in-Law, or those home chefs that have cooking under control but maybe struggles with juggling it all. Pretty soon it is going to be full calendar of Christmas parties, shopping trips and extra people to feed! Just remember to take a moment to enjoy the time you have, even if dinner falls into the “don’t do that again” category, you can never get these moments back!


Welcome to Pecks Farm!


Thanksgiving Turkeys with Peck’s Farm